Monday, November 23, 2009

bring it on stalkers... now you can know where i am at all times! playing with Google latitude

I already have a bunch of automatic tweets set up and such so i dont really feel like my privacy is being violated when im using google latitude . there are cool services that i can set up to alert me when im near friends and most of the time im just home so its really not a big deal to show my location on a map (at least for me). these kind of constant updating services are really cool i believe they will change the way we socially interact but what i have found even crazier is how they know where i am... apparently some smart people go huh you know the SSID and MAC address of wireless access points really doesn't change all that much so if a bunch of people drove around everywhere mapping where different ssid are then you wouldn't even need GPS we could calculate your position based on the strength of different access points around your laptop and if we add this technology to cell phones then they can find and map even more access points (by crowd sourcing) for us so we have the ability to locate a phone by GPS, cell tower or by SSID of a nearby access point and constantly update our location on the website. yahoo had this service a little earlier than google i think yahoo used skyhook wireless. Google doesn't say how they did theres but i assume its much of the same stuff so if you want more details on how they do it check this out

its a pretty cool service and if you dont mind people knowing where you are i think i could be a great way to meet up, interact and chill in this awesome new interconnected world...

man technology is scary :)

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