Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why Doesnt Google Maps also do routes inside buildings?

So i was reading this this on the official google blog about building maker but the question i have is can you do this...

I recently saw an article about a company that was going to do "google maps inside buildings" (but it wasnt google so i left the article) but what if you made this building maker do floor plans? now i havent tested it yet but i have used sketch up so im assuming its like an extenton of that ill add more once ive had some time to tinker on the buildings

but wouldn't that be cool? google local center verifys a building is yours now you can upload a floorplan with room names and everything and google will do simple path finding and give you directions inside the building i think its very reasonable project to take on and would allow for even more traffic to google so iono some google engineer should reply and tell me what yall think. is this in the works already?

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