This is crazy... the frame busting code on breaks the ability to share sidewiki comments... so articles without comments (like the one i comment on below) cant be argued against. Thats why i published this gripe out here but commentary should always be allowed i would love the author or anyone else to talk with me about this...
in reference to:
I’m an SEO guy so I’m always thinking about how Google ranks things by relevance and importance and there are a couple things you need to pay attention to in this article…
“For three years, my company’s vertical search and price-comparison site, Foundem, was effectively “disappeared” from the Internet in this way.”
“Adam Raff is a co-founder of Foundem, an Internet technology firm”
These two quotes make me believe that this is just another bitch from a website owner that doesn’t understand how or why Google penalizes sites but I will still run through the points he made and explain why Google has that behavior
If you use webmaster tools Google will tell you about imposed penalties and allow you to ask for reconsideration… the only reason Google doesn’t tell you if you are trying to game the results in an unfair way and giving you the information would allow you to manipulate the results more effectively. Google’s battle cry is “Don’t be evil” so the fact that they impose penalties is only to improve the quality of the results and help users experience. In fact Yahoo has the ability to promote some results to the top of the SERPS editorially (rather than through an algorithm) basically overriding their ranking system… Google doesn’t have this ability at all they can only impose penalties for spammy or unfair practices… The reason Google sites rank so well for their industries is not because they are put there but because they are doing users a great service and therefore they have massive linking profiles and tons of high quality links.
Now lets take on his point about “universal search”. Universal search helps the user experience… rather than punting users to another website of questionable trust and content they show you the best results right on the search page, effectively saving you a click. Bing does the same thing they show you the results that are relevant from a trusted source rather than sending you off to somewhere else of questionable value. Vertical search helps the user therefore Google implements the practice
And then there is a bitch about Tom Tom stock dropping… sorry that Google does so many things well and is kicking ass but if they have a better product it is totally fair that they put it out for users. Just because some other company is already doing something doesn’t mean that you cut all the other competition… are we going to stop Bing from truing their hand at overthrowing Google because Google already does so well?
Then he tries to bring in the FCC saying that we need “neutrality” just like we have the net neutrality fight going on right now… sorry they are a company providing a free service and they are trying to help the users not hurt them. Just because you company was hurt because they didn’t understand SEO and were probably engaging in unfair practices and breaking Google’s TOS
This is just another bitch session from a guy who doesn’t understand SEO and is complaining because he couldn’t figure out how to not be evil…
Im not affiliated with Google in any way (although id love to be they are a great company)… psst Google give me a job :)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
i am an evil genius | lost... found... and beaten
so i lost the evil genius game and then found it again and i just wanted to comment how awesome it is... i heard its way cheap (like $2.50) on steam. i have a bunch of cool screen shots of the game i took and me launching my doomsday device but for some reason the api key flicker gave me is dead
evil genius
Friday, December 18, 2009
Im a geek aparently... and i love to share... online anyways :)
Im a geek so this way cool geek chart is kinda cool to me...
To get your own go here...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
the flying trash project
this is the flying trash project... we had some extra helium so we made 4 trashbag balloons tied some messages to them and let them on their way... ill be posting the results here as they come in so check back and hopefully someone will find the messages
no results yet...2)
no results yet...3)
no results yet...4)
no results yet...
Monday, November 23, 2009
bring it on stalkers... now you can know where i am at all times! playing with Google latitude
I already have a bunch of automatic tweets set up and such so i dont really feel like my privacy is being violated when im using google latitude . there are cool services that i can set up to alert me when im near friends and most of the time im just home so its really not a big deal to show my location on a map (at least for me). these kind of constant updating services are really cool i believe they will change the way we socially interact but what i have found even crazier is how they know where i am... apparently some smart people go huh you know the SSID and MAC address of wireless access points really doesn't change all that much so if a bunch of people drove around everywhere mapping where different ssid are then you wouldn't even need GPS we could calculate your position based on the strength of different access points around your laptop and if we add this technology to cell phones then they can find and map even more access points (by crowd sourcing) for us so we have the ability to locate a phone by GPS, cell tower or by SSID of a nearby access point and constantly update our location on the website. yahoo had this service a little earlier than google i think yahoo used skyhook wireless. Google doesn't say how they did theres but i assume its much of the same stuff so if you want more details on how they do it check this out
its a pretty cool service and if you dont mind people knowing where you are i think i could be a great way to meet up, interact and chill in this awesome new interconnected world...
man technology is scary :)
google maps,
Carter Cole's LinkedIn Profile
playing around with the linked in embed api they just released a new api today for external sites ot use and ive requested access... i want to make something to mash the twitter api to linkedin connections i think it will be cool to see how many of your connections have twitter, follow you and how many you follow
Thursday, November 5, 2009
tricks and tips for monopoly city streets | embeddable badge and special toolkit
oh noez! i logged in and saw this message today...

so it looks like the game will be ending so use these tools while you can...
original post:
so ive been playing monopoly city streets [read my first post here] and its quite a strange game if you start to do well at all then you are targeted for tons of hazards an it makes it hard to play the game. it feels like they are forcing turnover of streets in the game but i understand its required to keep it moving and growing. but when the game first cam out the was lots of cheating and hacking going on in the game but hasbro has cleaned up alot of it so its pretty cool now but ive always been slow building and navigating the game so... i decided to make some tools for the game. the first thing i did was fire up wireshark and watch all the http traffic for the game then built a proxy fro the json calls and whala my very own dashboard for managing monoply city streets but it was still hard to build and i was having some trouble getting build locations and constructing them so ive turned to the monopoly city streets clan they have this great toolkit that gets injected into the page running the city streets game.
See the demo video below
to use the tools you just need this link you can right click and copy it then paste it in address bar while in game (my preference) or you can do the bookmark thing and add link to your favorites (detailed favorite method explained)
and they have a new database of a bunch of the streets
and im making my own but here is an img badge that you can use...

heres how you generate your own...
and the last thing i want to leave you with is a Pro Tools section of a monoply streets forum
their form manager allows you to query all the json apis of city streets and see the results
ill be releasing my dashboard and embeddable HTML badge soon so keep checking back
Thursday, October 29, 2009
How to verify your Google profile name
I am Carter Cole
Google says so...My Google Profile
And Check out my cool embed code for Google profiles...
Its pretty easy to get your name verified. just head on over to the name verification page on knol and follow the process
you can use either a Credit Card

or your Social Security Number

and thats it you get your name verified on your Google profile and if you want to embed your Google profile like i did
<script src="[username]&type=2"></script>
credit card,
google profile,
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Google Voice | voicemail with your existing number
im going to brag a little here this page doesnt get many views but it has been way cool to have gvoice as my default voicemail but... i wanted to share how cool google is because i also was one of the lucky ones to get the free Google voice business cards

this was the icon you had to sign on at the right time to see and then they sent you the cards...

read the rest of the article if you like it was way easy to set up and it works great!
i was reading the Google Voice Blog post about using Google Voice with your existing number so i thought id make a quick blurb about what it means and how easy it was to do(at least with verizon) Basically it allows you to use your google voice number for your existing numbers voicemail(so its not full gvoice on your cell).
heres the article about how to set it up but
it was really easy to setup it only took 2 steps
then you type it in your phone and it send...

and your done!its that easy. some thing to note... you should make sure your voicemails are all cleared because if you dont then when you try and dial your voicemail(*86 on verizon) it will ring your google voice number and you wont be able to clear the voicmail message from your phone
you may also be interested in my post about the google voice invites i have
im going to brag a little here this page doesnt get many views but it has been way cool to have gvoice as my default voicemail but... i wanted to share how cool google is because i also was one of the lucky ones to get the free Google voice business cards

this was the icon you had to sign on at the right time to see and then they sent you the cards...

read the rest of the article if you like it was way easy to set up and it works great!
i was reading the Google Voice Blog post about using Google Voice with your existing number so i thought id make a quick blurb about what it means and how easy it was to do(at least with verizon) Basically it allows you to use your google voice number for your existing numbers voicemail(so its not full gvoice on your cell).
heres the article about how to set it up but
it was really easy to setup it only took 2 steps
first you select your carrier...
then you type it in your phone and it send...
and your done!its that easy. some thing to note... you should make sure your voicemails are all cleared because if you dont then when you try and dial your voicemail(*86 on verizon) it will ring your google voice number and you wont be able to clear the voicmail message from your phone
you may also be interested in my post about the google voice invites i have
Friday, October 23, 2009
i bet this guys science checks out... enter the wormhole
the first is the Flight through a Wormhole

hes got a way cool video going in and out its alot like the wormholes in Eve Online
then he does some cool stuff talking about approaching a blackhole. he seems to take everything into account (comment if someone knows its wrong) but it seems way cool to me id check it out but this diagram

When we are moving around solar masses we could redirect jets of energy and light from all around to be like masters of the universe to see the stars as they look from around the galaxy

hes got a way cool video going in and out its alot like the wormholes in Eve Online
then he does some cool stuff talking about approaching a blackhole. he seems to take everything into account (comment if someone knows its wrong) but it seems way cool to me id check it out but this diagram

When we are moving around solar masses we could redirect jets of energy and light from all around to be like masters of the universe to see the stars as they look from around the galaxy
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
classic knight rider on #hulu
so ill tell you how it was after i finish it we will see if it lives up to what i remember
knight rider
Saturday, October 17, 2009
carter cole's websites a list of all my projects
so in case not everyone had gotten the word these are my 2 blogs and website
Alpha Carter This is like the random funny things that didnt make the tech blog or were for something else
Carter Cole's Main Site This is where i used to host most of my contact it has the Carter Tomorrow Fund its for a good cause
then is Carter Cole's main blog about technology and programing
and rememberer there is really only one Carter Cole on Facebook
oh and my linkedIn profile
so thats all the sites i own right now ill be updating this with new sites and information as it becomes available
Alpha Carter This is like the random funny things that didnt make the tech blog or were for something else
Carter Cole's Main Site This is where i used to host most of my contact it has the Carter Tomorrow Fund its for a good cause
then is Carter Cole's main blog about technology and programing
and rememberer there is really only one Carter Cole on Facebook
oh and my linkedIn profile
so thats all the sites i own right now ill be updating this with new sites and information as it becomes available
Friday, October 16, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Google giving out Voice Invites
so i finally got some of those voice invites those google geeks were mentioning. i currently have 3 invites left comment below to claim one...friends get first dibbs so be quick
i was reading the post here on the Google Voice Blog and we should be seeing invites to people who already have voice accounts (like me) so ill be giving the invite to anyone who comments below (this will prolly happen sooner then wave invites) with priority given to people i know
the google voice invite screen:

so feel free to use the cool google voice gadget below to give me a call if you have any questions...
so i finally got some of those voice invites those google geeks were mentioning. i currently have 3 invites left comment below to claim one...friends get first dibbs so be quick
i was reading the post here on the Google Voice Blog and we should be seeing invites to people who already have voice accounts (like me) so ill be giving the invite to anyone who comments below (this will prolly happen sooner then wave invites) with priority given to people i know
the google voice invite screen:

so feel free to use the cool google voice gadget below to give me a call if you have any questions...
google voice,
Why Doesnt Google Maps also do routes inside buildings?
So i was reading this this on the official google blog about building maker but the question i have is can you do this...
I recently saw an article about a company that was going to do "google maps inside buildings" (but it wasnt google so i left the article) but what if you made this building maker do floor plans? now i havent tested it yet but i have used sketch up so im assuming its like an extenton of that ill add more once ive had some time to tinker on the buildings
but wouldn't that be cool? google local center verifys a building is yours now you can upload a floorplan with room names and everything and google will do simple path finding and give you directions inside the building i think its very reasonable project to take on and would allow for even more traffic to google so iono some google engineer should reply and tell me what yall think. is this in the works already?
I recently saw an article about a company that was going to do "google maps inside buildings" (but it wasnt google so i left the article) but what if you made this building maker do floor plans? now i havent tested it yet but i have used sketch up so im assuming its like an extenton of that ill add more once ive had some time to tinker on the buildings
but wouldn't that be cool? google local center verifys a building is yours now you can upload a floorplan with room names and everything and google will do simple path finding and give you directions inside the building i think its very reasonable project to take on and would allow for even more traffic to google so iono some google engineer should reply and tell me what yall think. is this in the works already?
google maps,
path finding
Monday, October 12, 2009
google wave invites for my friends

edit: Ive got some invites! friends first still but there are 11 left... first come first serve
so there will be a post on my main technology blog about what i learn / figgure out for wave but i finally got my invite! woohoo i have no idea if it had to do with me begging Google for an invite but i need friends to use wave with me (to use it for its whole point collaboration). so if you know me and want an invite please leave some part of your info so i will have it below. i guess if others who want invites give enough of a sob story i will pass deal with that too but friends will receive priority so start the fighting
Google wave invites wont be going to new invitees you should go to the sign up
you would probably be best checking the links i have listed here that has all the invite pagesgoogle wave
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
today barcodes were
In honor of the invention of the barcode today and jumping on the Google bandwagon here is the history of barcodes along with some bar code generators
generator 1
generator 2
generator 3
cursebird stats gadget | put twitter curses on your blog
cursebird is a nice twitter app that does one thing... track people swearing on twitter. By pulling the feeds from popular expletives then we can generate trending stats for all the cursing on twitter. its that easy and because you really want your visitors to know that the word "bloody" is up 10 % i have plans to add some ajax ability to it currently it only loads once
i really haven't cursed that much
oh so i got permission to post the code so just drop this on your page
i added some css classes to the output
the .curse-wrapper is a div that holds the other .curse-word div (1 for each word)
i really haven't cursed that much
oh so i got permission to post the code so just drop this on your page
<script src=""> </script>and it will drop the cursing stats on your page
i added some css classes to the output
the .curse-wrapper is a div that holds the other .curse-word div (1 for each word)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
carter cole is a social media expert lolz

Like my badge? its link bait from SeoMoz but honestly i don't know how it qualifys you as an expert? o well i think it looks cool and it has the favorite icons from a bunch of sites so its gotta be legit :)
social media
Sunday, October 4, 2009
hyxwmt9krc verifying technorati

this post was to verify my blog on Technorati but you can vote by blog as one of your favorites with this cool button...

i found this thing on another site to send a vote for your blog out to Technorati favorites
heres how you can get your own for your blog!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
The original Star Trek series is now on youTube watch out Hulu
So i was looking around and guess what i found zomg you can watch it all online now original star trek series go watch become a geek
Friday, October 2, 2009
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